Daeth arfaeth fawr y nef i ben

(Y ffordd yn rhydd)
Daeth arfaeth fawr
    y nef i ben,
Bu'm Iesu farw ar y pren;
  Agorodd ddrws,
      trwy'i boen a'i wae,
  I'r Ganaan nefol sy'n parhau.

Pa rwystrau sy ar fy ffordd i mwy
Nad aeth fy Arglwydd trwyddynt hwy?
  Yr hwn ddioddefodd angeu loes
  A'm nertha innau i ddwyn ei groes.

Mi wela'n awr, yn oleu wiw,
Fy enw fry yn llyfyr Duw;
  Pan losgo'r holl elfenau 'nghyd
  Fe bery'm hedd
      mewn nefol fyd.

Wel, dacw'r man
    mae'm sylfaen gref,
Cyfiawnder bythol
    Brenin nef;
  A dyma'r graig gadarnaf, syth,
  Nad ofnaf elyn arni byth.

Doed pob rhyw
    dymmhestl yn gyttûn,
A rhuent arnaf oll yn un;
  'Does achos
      braw na dychryn im,
  Can's Iesu cadarn yw fy ngrym.

              - - - - -

Daeth arfaeth fawr y nef i ben
Bu'r Iesu farw ar y pren;
  Agorodd ddrws,
      trwy'i boen a'i wae,
  I'r Ganaan nefol sy'n parhau.

Wel weithian cwyd, fy enaid cu,
Dy lygaid tua'r nefoedd fry;
  Gwêl yr anfeidrol berffaith Iawn
  Sy'n maddeu'th bechod oll yn llawn.

Mae haeddiant yr Iachawdwr mawr
Yn dyoddef poen rhwng nef a llawr,
  Filiynau maith
      yn fwy ei rîn,
  Na haeddiant seintiau'r
      byd yn un.

Mae lleiaf loes
    Iachawdwr drud
Yn llawer mwy na beiau'r byd:
  Un dafan gwaed, un dwfwn glwy',
  Sydd drymach na'u heuogrwydd hwy.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angels Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Sarum (<1869)

Tôn [8888+88]: Langadock (<1811)

  Doed pob rhyw dymmestl yn gytûn
  O deued iachawdwriaeth gras
  Wel weithian c'od fy enaid cu
  Y moroedd mawr a'r ddaear faith

(The way free)
The great plan of heaven
    came to fulfilment,
My Jesus died on the tree;
  A door was opened,
      through his pain and his woe,
  To the heavenly Canaan which is enduring.

Whatever obstacles are on my way any more
Did not my Lord go through them?
  He who suffered the throes of death
  Will strengthen me to carry his cross.

I see now, in the worthy light,
My name above in the book of God;
  When all the elements burn altogether
  My peace shall persist
      in a heavenly world.

See, yonder the place where
    my strong foundation is,
The eternal righteousness
    of the King of heaven;
  And here is the firmest, upright rock,
  I will fear no enemy upon it ever.

Let every kind of tempest
    come in agreement,
And let them all roar upon me as one;
  There is no cause of
      fear or terror to me,
  Since firm Jesus is my force.

                 - - - - -

The great plan of heaven was fulfilled
Jesus died on the tree;
  A door was opened,
      through his pain and his woe,
  To the heavenly Canaan which is enduring.

See now, raise, my dear soul,
Thy eyes towards the heavens above;
  See the immeasurable, perfect ransom
  Which is forgiving all thy sin fully.

The virtue of the great Saviour,
Suffering pain between heaven and earth,
  Is millions of times
      greater in its merit,
  Than the desserts of the
      world's saints as one.

The least anguish of the
     precious Saviour is
Much greater than the faults of the world:
  One drop of blood, one deep wound,
  Is more weighty than their guilt.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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